5 Must Dos Before Promoting Your Music in 2022

There are many routes an artist can take when it comes to music promotion. A lot of artists get caught up focusing too much on one way of promoting and think their song will just blow up. The most successful artists allocate time and energy to multiple outlets for a well rounded promotional campaign.
Here are the top 5 strategies for promoting your music in 2022:
#1 - PR
Public Relations is important for any size or type of artist trying to reach more fans.
The part that sucks about PR is that it is generally overpriced, vague, and can often be a rip-off. It seems that there is no correlation between price and value. Press in general is important for a few reasons. Firstly, it sends a signal to Spotify that you’re a real person and can anchor you to other similar artists. Secondly, press can also allow you to tell your own unique story and hopefully lead to verification on social channels like Instagram or TikTok. Before you hire a PR agency you’ll need to focus on the following:
What deliverables that PR company will supply you with.
Stay away from long term engagements or any contract over a few months. Some PR companies will charge you monthly for 6 months and they will try to convey time for value.
Make sure to communicate that what you are paying for will need hard results.
You can also write your own press release and send it out to smaller publications. If you need help or guidance with PR, feel free to send us a message!
#2 Secure a YouTube premier for your new single or release.
- Find an account with relevant music
- Whitelist that account
- Any size helps!
Youtube channels:
It's important to do your own research and find accounts that play music similar to yours.
#3 Pitch to Spotify For Artists
It is easy to get impatient and just want to release a song right as it gets finished. Under no circumstance should you leave it up to chance and not submit the song properly through your Spotify for Artists account. This must be done each release so you can capitalize on organic traction via Spotify. Especially if you are using Playlist Push to promote your music.
Check out this article for more tips on how to set up your Spotify For Artists account for success.
#4 TikTok Promotion
Success on TikTok can easily spill over to other DSP’s like Spotify. We have even seen artists that promoted their music on TikTok get on the Spotify playlist “Big on the internet”, so keep in mind that all of these tips are feeding off of each other. All 5 of these tips can be done with a huge budget or little-to-no budget.
#5 Get on Spotify Playlists
Getting your music on user-generated playlists is more important than ever. These playlists drive organic traffic and send signals to Spotify on where they should place your music. This is a crucial stepping stone for getting editorial playlist support on Spotify. It’s a fact and there’s no more denying it!
Check out these interviews with artists that have used Playlist Push to level up into Spotify Editorial playlists.
Looking to Promote your Music on TikTok?
Use our TikTok Music Promotion and Spotify Playlists Pitching services.